Delivering Strategies and Customized Programs for Your Business


Linda E. Amper, LLC, advises senior executives on strategic business priorities. As Principal, Linda is an accomplished executive with 40+ years of senior leadership experience across multiple industries, including biotechnology and other life science areas, health care delivery, and the growing tech space. She drives needed changes across businesses, transitioning companies, teams, and individuals through various phases of their business. Linda helps clients identify key drivers that support global growth and increase organizational capacity through the effective management of human capital. Consulting with senior executives, she delivers strategies and customized programs that address the client’s needs, building a winning, talent-driven organization. When a cultural shift is needed, she facilitates the transition of a company’s ethos to one that supports an entrepreneurial, “have fun” atmosphere. Organizations benefit from her diverse background in for-profit, not-for-profit and private sectors.

Linda’s clients range from early-stage, venture-backed companies to fully-integrated, global organizations moving from phase to phase in their journey of evolution. The larger businesses benefit from an experienced and neutral perspective. The smaller businesses don’t have the resources to dedicate to in-house expertise but know they can’t risk getting it wrong. The benefit to the client is that Linda can come in and out as needed as an “Executive-on-Call.”

Every deliverable is customized for the client’s needs; therefore, each assignment contains an element of strategic analysis. Work can stop with the development of a short/long-term plan, or it can continue to the design of complementary policies, programs, and processes that align with the organization’s goals and cultures.